Apogee AD8000 and AMBUS Cards for Sale
$350 for the Rare Pro Tools HD card and $175 each for the others. $500 for all three cards. $750 obo for cards and converter

Used Apogee AD8000 with rare Pro Tools HD Ambus card, Pro Tools Digi Ambus card, and TDIF Ambus cards for sale used
The AD-8000 is one of the nicest sounding 44.1k/48k converters out there and I've tried many of them. Its ability to translate drum transients is second to none. I suspect it's the huge toroidal power supply. I'm doing more High sample rate stuff so this sits unused too much of the time. No one makes units with this many variables or meters this good.
Many people don't know about this rare Pro Tools HD Ambus card. You won't find them anywhere.
The three ambus cards are for sale separately or as a package with the AD-8000.
$350 for the Rare Pro Tools HD card and $175 each for the others or $500 for all three. $750 or Best Quick Offer for all three cards with the AD-8000 converter.
Call Dan at 617-680-5840 or email at dan@notable.com for more details.